Thursday, November 29, 2007

Yummy411: Holiday Party Crashers- Part 1

Oh the holiday spirit should be slapping you all across the head now: gift lists, planning, light up nights, stores staying open late for holiday shopping, egg nog and gingerbread lattes... ahhh, but don't forget about all the parties you can crash!! I like being a holiday party crasher. My spirit is a little low this year, but I'm sure once I suit up in a hot dress, I'll bounce back. I've been seeing items around that are just too fab for words, but finding them on the internet is harsh! So with the help of Polyvore, I found some samples of what a stunning holiday party crasher would wear:

A-C: Your traditional metallic party dresses. Knock 'em dead with the dress alone. Oh 'C' is fab with pockets!
D: A cute, sassy number that you dress up with your glam accessories; small earrings, a huge cocktail ring and a clutch.
E: For the chic conservative in all of us, but with detail and the bow, you'll definitely shine!
F: Sexy vixen going to a holiday ball.
G: Reminiscent of Big Bird's blue cousin, this can be fun and stylish. You would definitely have to own this look and wear it like you mean it.
H: Something exclusively for us big girls... meow!
I,K,L: For the more bohemia chic, who doesn't do the traditional route, but chooses something simple and comfy. She owns her outfit by snazzing up her hair, accessories, makeup and more than likely hot mama boots.
J: Since style 'E' doesn't cross over well from office to evening holiday social for the business conservative diva, she simply lets her subtle details and accessories work the outfit. Possible glitter black cardigan and a skinny, patent red belt?
(To see details on where to buy, click on the image to visit my Polyvore set with more information!)

**Remember that makeup can be an accessory too. Don't let your makeup clash with your outfit and other hot items like bangles and rings.

What are you knocking them dead in at this year's hottest holiday party?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Yummy411: New Poll Question

Hey family!

I haven't had a poll question in a while, so I just put up a new one (over on my sidebar): Do you wear makeup to the gym or to workout?

I wanted to know what other people do. Before, when I'd head to the gym I used to wear a powder, gloss and mascara. It wasn't much, so I didn't worry. The only reason I had those items on to begin with is because I was already wearing those products for the day. Now that it's cooler and I've discovered a new makeup routine and interests, I feel odd wearing it to the gym (umm now that I'm trying to start back up, lol.) I don't have much time to take it all off before heading back out. So my makeup isn't vanity, just more of a time issue. What about you all? Let me know in the comments! Don't forget to vote!

I found this cute article for some tips! Check it out here.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Yummy411: Walking for the White Line

I'm crazy about great colors for my bottom lid and my waterline. It's a nice subtle place to put a hint of color to add some fun to your makeup look. While I've tried quite a few colors, I went back to the basics and wanted white, yes stark white. I went for a nude, flesh looking color before, but seriously, this time I just wanted white.

I wasn't going to MAC to get Fascinating liner for $14. I tried the Black Opal, ew. I tried the NYC liner, the same type that I like in black... a no go. I messed around and bought Styli Styles' Buenos Aires that appeared to be a pearl white from the packaging, but it ended up being a pearl silver. Gah. Man, a good white, waterproof, pigmented white liner shouldn't be so hard to find. It wasn't. It was in my bag of cosmetics of The No Return- a single white liner by Wet N Wild, never used. Damn! It was right her under my nose all of this time. Not waterproof, but definitely pigmented enough to suit my needs.(Forgive me, this is after a full day, the gym and all. And, lol, I will start wearing another head band. I need my hair twisted again for goodness' sake!) Stark white liner struck me as unnatural before, but I think I found a way to make this work. I used black mascara on my bottom lashes, making some color to counter the brightness. Next time I'll use an eyeshadow.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Yummy411: Uninspired, Events, Fotd's

So, I know this was holiday weekend for most people, but since I'm not out of town or doing anything lavishly (shopping, etc.) I'm at home, looking for beauty blog updates. Why? Because right now, I'm in a slump and need inspiration. I know I get in these slumps where I'm not inspired by my mags or makeup, etc., but this one's lasting longer than usual. I was on a makeup shopping fast and I couldn't have done it at a more inconvenient time: Holiday season! Well, I didn't have much of a choice since my money would be super tied up with tuition and LIFE!

Now, I've found bigger reasons to explain why I'm in my slump that will take more time than I'd like to resolve. The two main reasons that I feel I've fallen into this slump: organization and weight loss. *gulp* There, I said it. I won't go into details to save myself some dignity. Just know that birth control is a bitch! ugly monster with a thick, black unibrow... As if I had already been winning the war against the weight on my own. Thanks!

I think this all started back a little after I went to see American Gangster. Great movie, great Denzel performance, but the reality of it all went straight to my stomach and I had knots for two days!
Here's my fotd (on the right) from the night I went to see the movie. I actually liked this makeup, but it was all down hill from here.

Next exciting event, I went to the Nordstrom's Cosmetics Trend Show. It was my first time there, though I truly believe I've walked through many of the shopping escapades after a trend show. Waking up at 7am to get to a 7:30am show has never been so much fun. Little breakfast boxes were handed out and a cosmetic gift for attending: a cute, small, soft gun metal traincase. Inside were samples of perfumes and facial products. I had an appointment with Smashbox Cosmetics. The artist was fun to work with and she gave me a simple look with their products. I can't say I was wow-ed, but it was nice to be made over.

The nice, fun and down to earth artist gave me a look using the Photo Finish Foundation Primer Light , eye brightner under my eyes, their liquid foundation High Definition Healthy FX mixed with Artificial Light in Prism (the first product that made me fall in love with Smashbox, concealer (on top of the under eye brightner)- Camera Ready Full Coverage Concealer, AND a little powder foundation. All of it felt lightweight and surprised me as products I would consider taking home. For the look, she used the Fusion Eye and Cheek Palette in Reflect (cool toned colors) from the Beyond Beauty Collection. Three colors on my eyes and a sweep across the cheek palette for my cheeks. She used the Brow Tech in Brunette, which she actually did a good job. Of course, I had to fill in the front of my brows for my desired square shape. During makeover, I'm very apprehensive about my under eye circles and brows =( To line the top lid she used the black waterproof liner and my crease color was used as my bottom liner. Mascara topped off the job. For lips, she used one of their sheer liners and a little gloss.

Again, I wasn't amazed by any color or application technique (which I'm usually looking forward to seeing) but the colors were all smooth, well blended and she applied my crease color with great placement for my eye shape. I think I do too much with my crease color sometimes and my brow bone hangs over giving me an undesired shape to my eye color. Sorry, you may not even notice, but I think that's my own quirk with my work and why I haven't been feeling too hot about my fotds.

To give a little spice to my eye game, I thought... okay, let me try MAC's Uppity fluidliner AGAIN. This Uppity fluidliner gets on my last, damn nerve! The consistancy is thinner than the other fluidliners. How am I supposed to use it? I was told to put it over a black liner, which is what I was doing here, but it looks so messy to me. Then from a short distance, it's barely noticeable =(( I had high hopes. Return or not to return? Help!?

On Thanksgiving, I gave it another try as a base. I only used it over concealer to ensure a smooth application. It looked nice to me. Definitely happier about it as a base than a liner. (No lipgloss= ashy lips= not a good look, lol)

Up close, it still looks choppy and chalky... ew! oh well! =((((((((((((( It reminds me of my Urban Decay Primer Potion, making some of my shadows look a little choppy and hard as hell to blend! Karen warned me about the UDPP, but I was convinced that I had either used to much or didn't let it dry properly.

Lastly, I'm loving the pigmentation of these Wet 'N' Wild trio palettes. I've gotten 3 of the 6 that are available. Here's an example of what they are like with only concealer being used as a base. Of course, I don't like this fotd either =( I also have on some of their Winter Holiday Illuminating Powder all over my face. (Can we say drugstore beauty powder??) I bought it in the spirit that I can't afford MAC's stuff right now =/ Did you guys know that Wet 'N' Wild is a cruelty free company.... extra brownie points!!!

I check the mail and see that I've gotten an evelope from MAC! Could it be, would it be what I've been hoping for? An invitation AT LEAST to a private launch party? NOPE! Just as my luck would have it, no invitation. A promo for the Stylistics Collection.

Even though I get in these slumps and I'm uninspired by makeup and pictures or whatever else is out there in the world making me groggy and no fun.... I always have a reason to smile =)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Yummy411: Happy Thanksgiving!'s a tad late, but I hope all of you beauties have a safe and happy holiday weekend. Don't get stuffed like a turkey.. Happy Thanksgiving!

Also, special birthday salutes go out to my golden grandmother... Happy 83rd! She's still stylin and stuntin' yall! And a happy birthday to C. Gordy! Her bday was always over the Thanksgiving holiday, so we'd never be around to celebrate. Hope next year is even better than this one!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Yummy411: Smokey Eye Tutorial

Hey Traci! Here's the smokey eye tutorial per your request!

Smokey eyes can be done in 101 ways from a day time smokey, smoked out color, a complete smokey eye with colors other than black.. take a pick! However, I chose one with colors I felt used universal colors.

What I used:

MAC #224
MAC #187 SE (a brush from the holiday set. This brush is close enough to the full size brush to me)
Beauty of Essence angled shader brush
MAC #212 SE
Beaut of Essence crease brush (used as my angle brush for my lower lid)

NYC dual liner

CoverGirl Queen Collection Natural Hue Foundation- used as my concealer
MAC Fix+
Carbon black shadow from quad
Satin Taupe -neutral brown shadow in mirrored compact
MAC MSF Gold Spill (marbled pressed mineralized powder)
Sample sized Dazzle Ray (shimmery) pigment

Lip products:
MAC lipglass in Crescent
A shimmery yellow gold twist up, sponge applicator lipstick from Revlon (name?)

Here we go!

First, I based my eye all over with concealer with a color as close to my skin tone as possible. You could even use a sheer layer of foundation... just for the color to have something to adhere to.

I applied a neutral brown, in this case MAC's Satin Taupe up into the crease.

I applied black liner thickly across the lid, close to the lash line. Don't worry about neatness. Smudge the liner with a smudge stick, you shading brush or like me, I used my pinky lol.

I applied a black shadow, MAC's Carbon over the smudged black liner. I took a blending brush, MAC's 224, and blended out, softened the colors and removed harsh lines. Line your waterline with the black liner and add your blackest mascara (I forgot my mascara!). Though smokey eyes aren't a complete neat job, try to keep it clean so that you don't look busted.

Here's the look! Be sure to blend out your crease a little more, I can see lines here.. oh well!

For some added umph to take into the night, I used the same black shadow on my bottom lid using a fine angled or pointed brush. To give a bit of sparkle, I put some shiny pigment in the inner corners of my eyes. To do this, pick up some color on the brush and wet with a spray of water (I used MAC's Fix+, which is multipurpose so it's very handy to have!)

To (almost) complete the look, I added a MAC MSF in Gold Spill lightly on my cheeks with my #187 brush for a sheer layer and added the same shiny pigment to highlight my cheeks. Lips; I added a shimmery lipstick with a caramel colored gloss.

Some tips to make this look even more fabulous:
-Instead of using the shimmery color on your inner corners, adorn the corner of your eye with small skin safe rhinestone/body jewel.
-Instead of the shimmery color in your inner corners, use a white, gold or silver waterproof liner on your waterline.
-For a great party flare to your eyes use a gold or black glitter liner on your bottom lid, right under the lower lash line.
-Even more flare? Add some color mascara on the tips of your lashes.
-To intensify the darkness of your smokey eye, you can use a black cream color base- gel liner, a cream liner etc.

Take some smokey eye help from some of my other favorite sources =)

I hope this was helpful! Let me know!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Yummy411: Coastal Scents Glossi Glaze Product Review

I came home to the yummiest little package from Coastal Scents Mineral Cosmetics, chock full o' goodness. I'll get to the rest later, but I want to tell you about the star of the package, the Glossi Glaze lipgloss. This gloss found its way to my heart because of it's thick glossiness, but no tacky stickiness. Perfect texture, the right amount of shine and an unbeatable price- $5! The color is pretty sheer, but the shine is great and comes in quite a few colors. When applying, it may feel hard at the touch, but if you swirl your finger or lip brush around in it for a second or two, it will warm up into a creamier gloss. Check them out for yourself! I'm enjoying mine =)

Yummy411: Prescriptives Lash Finder

Prescriptives has some of the best mascara out there. Now you can get a better idea and sort through which mascara is your favorite by using their new Lash Finder. The Lash Finder profiles their mascaras- their uses, their benefits, and even shows you an eye look with video on how to make the mascara and your eyes look their best!

I went through the Lash Finder to find my favorite Prescriptives mascara based on description. I came up with LashEnvy, though False Lash mascara has the better name =) I had the opportunity to try the False Lash mascara in Plush Black. Great mascara for thickening and lengthening! The videos were fun with Prescriptives' Director of Artistry and QVC spokesperson Jillian Veran and informative... check it out! What's your favorite Prescriptives mascara?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Yummy411: MAC Of Beauty Collection

MAC's new collection Of Beauty (which this promo pic definitely is not!) has been advertised as being at all MAC locations, counters, etc. It's not. It's only at the MAC freestanding stores; not MACY's or Nordstrom counters. Don't be duped like me =( I gotta test those beauty powders myself!! Gah! Off to a MAC store...
**EDIT: So far the collection has been spotted at MAC stores and Nordstrom counters, contrary to the Macy's sales assistant information!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Yummy411: Makeup and Reality TV

So everyone talks about The Hills and other pop culture reality tv. Apparently, too many folks are interested in Pepa's bad facelift. To this day, most of the hits I get on my site are for that one post when I was shocked to see Pepa's facelift. Since then I haven't seen much tv, as I don't get to watch as much as I'd like. My at-home status tonite granted me access to all the shows. I was able to catch up on a few reruns... of course watching for fab makeup all the way! =)

Keyshia Cole: The Way It Is- Season 2
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Keyshia's makeup. She rocked a smokey eye one set, a turquoise eye that matched some slouchy suede turquoise boots the next-- the makeup was just fierce! I'm desparately seeking the makeup artist that contributed to her show this go around. A lot of times, makeup artists are so devalued that they get no love. I'm on a quest to find out who this person or team is!
Recap: Keyshia's sister, Neffy, goes to therapy to hash out some issues and to a gyn appointment, finding out that she's expecting her 4th or 5th child. I can't keep up as I don't get to watch much television. She is married to a guy behind bars, with whom she has a turbulent history, but her 'on the side' activity has caught up with her. Keyshia has a big listening party down in Miami for her new album. Her mom surprises her to join in on the fun as it is her mom's birthday as well. Her mom didn't feel well received, but Keyshia says it's all love.

I love Keyshia and how she's matured since the last season. Since reconnecting with her fam and mom, she doesn't care that they are recovering from drug abuse and other issues, just having them alive and well is good enough for her. Her mom was really cutting a rug at the listening party and would have put me to shame, but for Keyshia she was glad that her mom was having a good sober time.

Sunday's Best
They have narrowed the competition down to four fantastic finalist- three ladies and one gentlemen. No makeup to take note of here, but people went Pentacostal in the house and had church in the middle of competition! Praise God!

American Gangster
Jeff Fort was profiled on this edition.

BET College Hill: Interns
I'm on a mission for the makeup artist on this set as well. I want to think that many of the girl's do their own makeup, but they usually have brows that are on point. The most impressive has been the makeup of Kathy. She uses vibrant colors that compliments her style and eye shape. I love it! Did you catch my last post about Cover Girl's Queen Collection Natural Hue Foundation? I'm sure the clip was planted, but Tionna was using it! I was so excited to see that, as I'm a fan of their makeup.
Recap: (These shows were reruns.) We find out that the fundraiser for BET's Rap it Up competition was won by the Red team. Letia's boyfriend is her main motivator for keeping her on the show (wtf?) and is the same person about to get her kicked off because at this point she cares more about her relationship than her participation on the show. Kathy's sexuality is challenged as she tries to back up her claim of her sexual level being higher than anyone else's. She takes on her flirting partner Kasheef. That's all the show needed- a lesbian licking on a hot guy!

People give this show bad reviews, but it keeps me entertained!

BET had me on lock tonight, but when American Gangster and licking lesbians got too much for the Disney watchers, I flipped over to MTV for my fav.... RUN'S HOUSE!

Run's House
The show starts with Angela at a photoshoot with Omarion and Bow Wow, where she gets the big idea that she loves what she's doing and wants to start her own mag. Guess who's on set? Danessa Myricks. At my beauty school, she's a super star. I'm all too familiar with her name, so seeing her in action was a treat!
Recap: Angela thinks that her Yorshire dog, Juicy, is pregnant so the dog goes to the vet and gets an x-ray. This is also the time that the family is opening up and talking to Russy about the birds and the bees .. er.. female dogs and male dogs lol. Diggy wants to start his career in the entertainment world like Chris Brown,, dancing while Angela who works for Word Up! magazine wants to start her own. She works on planning a launch party before the actual magazine... umm?

Aaahh the joys of tv. Now I must retire folks! Good night!

Yummy411: CG Queen Collection Natural Hue Foundation Product Review


This my friend has to be one of my favorite drug store products! Remember when I was waiting on it to arrive in my local stores? Well, I got my hands on some and now that the weather is cooler, it was definitely time to try it. I tried it out for the first time in this fotd. It is a creamy, rich foundation with medium to full coverage. It literally has me swooning. Why? Mainly because of the the lovely ads on TV and those that are glossing the pages of mags. Have you seen them? Also, I'm new to the cream foundation arena and I was delighted to be able to find a great foundation that fits my shade and budget right at the drugstore. The product is available in yellow, olive and red tones (7+ beautiful shades) perfect for women of color. Check it out the next time you are in the beauty aisle. Also available online at Walgreens, $8.99.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Yummy411: Fresh Face Beauty (Smashbox)

You all miss my Smashbox videos don't you? LOL Well, I do! For those of you craving a simplistic, minimalist look (think: on the go, preggo mommies, conservative work place, teens) here is a Smashbox video showing you how to get that fresh faced look, especially for teens!

Now here are two of my favorite teen fresh faced beauties!!
Yes, I'm a Disney fan!
Miley Cyrus as Hanna Montana "True Friend"

I love KeKe Palmer! Here she is singing her new hit "Keeping it Movin"

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Yummy411: Gloves in a Bottle Product Review

Gloves in a Bottle is a shielding lotion, like the SkinMD Shielding Lotion that I reviewed a while back. Except!.. this one proved to be much more to my liking!

First, let's review the concept of a shielding lotion and see how it differs from a regular lotion. Here's what the site tells us:
"Gloves In A Bottle is a shielding lotion that rapidly absorbs into, and bonds with, the outer layer of skin creating a protective layer while retaining the natural moisture from within. This makes it the perfect dry skin care product.It does not wash off, but comes off naturally with exfoliated skin cells. Just reapply every four hours for continued protection.It's greaseless, non-sticky, fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, completely safe and non-toxic."

While I gave the other shielding lotion a longer trial run than I initially wrote about, I still wasn't as happy with the runny, thin texture of it. I really wanted to give this new concept (to me at least) of a protective barrier a real shot. I really wanted to like this, as I do suffer from dry, irritated skin.

To my surprise, Gloves in a Bottle was a bit thicker and creamier giving me the protection of a shielding lotion and the feel of a real lotion. To the other shielding lotion's defense, I did try to use it after every hand wash and I started to notice that my dry cracked skin didn't appear after every contact I had with water. Now with Gloves in a Bottle, I can get the best of both worlds. If you want a dry skin treatment, try Gloves in a Bottle! You may be content with it as much as I am!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Yummy411: Maybelline New York Salon Expert Nail Color Product Review

Hi all!

I'm letting go of my OPI Honeymoon Suite and other Essie politely pink and nude favorites. It's fall and I wanted to go dark again on my nails. I've done the Chanel Noir Ceramic and other raves of last year, but right now I'm swooning over dimensional jewel tones. On my list to try are a dark vampy, but jewelesque emerald green, a to-die-for ruby, a royal amethyst, or a handsome burgundy and some metallics like a high silver or a holiday yellow, party gold, like MAC's Gold Veneer lacquer.

To start off my quest, I found Acoustic Azure by Maybelline NY Salon Expert Nail Color, a limited edition shade. It came out before Halloween and completed a lineup of vampy, not quite black shades (no images available). Yes, Maybelline had to launch a collection to compete with the other drugstore brands and their higher end counterparts. I love this blue, because it's vibrant in light, but very subdued and black in areas with less light-- a deep blue, but not over the top electric '80's. I'm managing to pull if off in a corporate setting, so I'm very happy. To wear this look, I got my nails super short and chic. I can't wait for my PDA that I'm gifting myself-- cute nails need a cute pda to text on and to click- click- click with a stylus, LOL. Don't mind me, I just like to find joy in the small things! hahaha!

Here are some photos:

Sorry, I'm not good at this picture thing =/

What are your must have nail options for fall? Do you know of any fab jeweltone nail colors that I should know about?

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Yummy411: Beauty Blogosphere Reads

Do you all find any of this intriguing???

Makeup Moxie tells us about making artistry out of your Viva Glam Kiss?

Habitual Beauty tells us about makeup that takes "on the go' to a different level!

The MAC Fetish just made a darn good post!

Yummy411: Breast Cancer Awareness

October was Breast Cancer Awareness month. I hope you all are more informed about breast cancer or have made some contribution to breast cancer research. Let's not make October the only time we recognize breast cancer awareness, but let's make every day a BCA day. Click on the self exam chart image for more information about breast cancer and how to perform self examinations from Revolution Health and the

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Yummy411: Yummy411 Wants to Know!

Hey ladies (and gents)! Just wanted to know a few things from you all to help better this site. Your input is greatly appreciated!

a- How did you find Yummy411?
b- What do you like about Yummy411?
c- What would you like to see (or see more of) on Yummy411?

Please leave your responses in the comments or email me @Yummy411!


Yummy411: Skin Ph Balance?

Have you ever used products that mention Ph balance? What does that mean for our skin exactly? Why is this so important for us?

When products refer to our skin's Ph balance they are talking about the skin's balance of our acidic and alkaline (acid's counter active element to keep acid levels from being too high) levels. The normal range is between 4.0 and 6.0. Due to our diet, facial products, (nix the regular soap please?) our polluted environment and stress our Ph balance can be thrown off; acidity levels being higher than it should be, causing our skin problems. Ph balance fights infection and maintains the skin's barrier function. Ph balanced, healthy skin is hydrated and less likely to suffer irritation and lose elasticity.

How can we keep our skin balanced naturally? Outside of using products that help us to maintain the balance, eating foods with alpha hydroxy acids will help. Foods such as apples, berries and citrus foods all contain alpha hydroxy acids.

For Ph balance info throughout the body click here.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Yummy411: Professional Brow and Halloween

Hello all! Just wanted to share my brows done (filled in and made pretty) by my makeup instructor. She used Ben Nye brow pencil in medium brown and MAC lip pencil in Cork. I personally would be afraid to use a lip pencil, but with a gentle hand she worked it out. What do you all think? (Never mind those lashes. I applied them with a strong, but terribly visible glue.)Made up brows don't look as pretty on me without a made up face =( I was terribly tired.

Saturday before Halloween, I attended a bomb ass Halloween party if I may say so myself. I went as a dark fairy. I had on black wings (with green glitter), gloves, dress and boots with this wig. I did green eye makeup. Sorry this is a terrible pic, but I was rushing out of the door. There was no time to fix settings for a good pic.

Here was the star of my Halloween night! Buzz Light Year.. "To infinity and beyond!"

I hope everyone enjoyed this fructose, sugar saturated, orange and black week. Have a great weekend. I'll share my review of Gloves in a Bottle with you all next week! Toodles =)