For my sister, whose vision of beautiful, natural kinks are becoming jaded by the long and wavy! It's so easy to get swayed with the constant images of weaves and what our hair is not. I know the feeling, but I'm not ready to give up yet ;) Hang in there with me sis!

Thierry Baptiste-- (from this post!)
Yummy411 posts here (hair progression) and here (locs with curls) beautiful!!
Beautiful! I love our hair period. The world is anti-kink. Whateva! Even relaxed hair is pretty to me, so long as it is healthy. Thanks for sharing Sis. :O)
OK, even though I'm a relaxed beauty, these pictures inspire me especially that loc bob abd loc mo hawk. Love it!!
These are some nice pictures, I can't wait to see what style you get.
Great pictures. Its definintely easy to get lost, but I think positive images will definitely help.
I miss my locs!
Love your blog Kia...I'm nominating you for The Sunshine Award because your blog is Positive and Creative...just like you!
Ooo, you totally just gave me hair envy!
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