I recently saw a friend who was wearing one of my all time favorite blushes, MAC's Limited Edition On a Mission blush. It was deep, but subtle enough for a blush and slight contour. Placing the blush on the bottom of the cheek showed off her fab under eye highlight perfectly! When I first became interesed in makeup, I couldn't understand the regular blush placement of 'on the apples of the cheeks' ith my huge cheeks, so I actually used to put my blush in the cheek contour area. However, I wasn't as careful or had an eye for what I felt was right.
Let's check out NeNe Leakes on Wendy Williams. Do you see more color than contour color?
Okay, so yeh the blush maybe mixed with a fab contour job, but I'll give more credit to the blush. I've been wearing my blush low to give more room for my under eye highlight to show ;)
By the way, aren't you loving her pastel green on her lids? Yes, women of color can wear pastels, just have to find the right product!
Wendy Williams weave distracted me. Why do SO many women on TV/in the public eye in America all have that same long, layered look 'California Barbie' look to their hair? Everybody from the Kardashians to that Roxy chick on 106 & Park have the same tired look!
I love Nene ..ghetto as hell, just with money in her pocket LOL Her blush is nice.
Nene's make up is nice but not feeling the gelled down sideburn. I'm sorry, but no one can tell me that Wendy Williams is not a man! SMDH lol
Yeppers. If you read a variety of makeup books they tell you to put blush under or behind the cheek bones if you have big cheeks like I do. Makes your face look slimmer.
NeNe makeup is on point. I love how the blush is applied. I am going to have to see if I can achieved that technique. Thanks for pointing it out and sharing.
I really like using blush to contour, anything deep works well.. Burnt Pepper & House Wine (both MAC) are favourites of mine. :]
what did she do to her nose? thats not makeup she def had some work done. her makeup is alright. im glad she let the shimmery white brow highlight alone.
ive never seen Atlanta housewives so I don't really know too much about but shes Gorgeous & her makeup was FAB!
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