These blush/face products have found a warm, cozy place in my makeup bag. I use them all the time, neglecting the other blushes and color face products I own. A while back, XinaRox tagged me to do a post about products that I bought backups of. I didn't have a post because I never buy backups. I never know if a product is really backup worthy until I'm half way through using it. By then, we know the product will be out of stock or was limited edition. Using these products non-stop, I deem them backup worthy! Hmmm do I smell Christmas presents for self??
l-r: All MAC; Sunny by Nature MSF, Superduper Natural mineralized blush (Holiday '09), On a Mission beauty powder blush (Style Warriors '09, summer) -- No flash, more true to color.
Sunny by Nature MSF-rich bronze with pink pearl pigment (I don't really see the pink, but okay)
Superduper Natural mineralized blush- mid tone coral frost (Reminds me of a Chanel blush)
On a Mission beauty powder blush- pearly mid tone plum (To me, it's a subdued plum with a hint of sheen.. not as matte or flat)
oohhh those blushes look great!!!!! I like Sunny by Nature MSF
I am in love with Superdupernatural blush! It's GORGEOUS!!!!!
Those blushes are very nice. How about I don't remember any of them. Adding to my list to find and check out :)
Ooooh, I love all three of these shades! xo
@ askmewhats and zerin: i really can't choose 1 that's my fave!
@ slvrlips: really? on a mission is awesome. i think out of the 3 it may work well with skin tones any darker than mine.
@ amina and recessionista: thank! i love 'em too!
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