(no flash)
I thought it would be nice to swatch on my cheeks (no flash) instead of on the back of my hand, but I didn't pick the proper cam setting to see it that well. I'm still learning my new cam!
Here's an FOTD I did from 'my makeup bag and stash scramble' (that's where I don't have anything planned and I grab whatever I have and make it work...
-Pandamonium Quad with Auto de Bleu liner-
I was at work so you know how that goes!
I used:
The white/yellow (cloudbound?)on my lid
Violet in my tear duct (violet trance?)
Soft brown e/s in my crease
Steel sparkly gray in my outer v (from quad)
-I didn't use my fave vivid purple from the quad for this look-
Auto de bleu liner for top lid and water line.
Concealer for highlight
Cork in brows
Maybelline XXL Extension primer, Maybelline Colossal mascara
MSF Loose Foundation Powder
CoverGirl Queen Collection Bronzer
Fab Blush (from MAC's Barbie Collection-- I fell in love all over again!)
One of my fav lipglasses ever, Love Knot (from Naughty Nauticals Collection) See the blue iridescence over the pink? Almost like Crystal Rose l/g, but not as harsh.
u look beautiful..
You looked gorgeous!
I love the FOTD. Very pretty!
Pandamonium Quad is one of my all time faves :) & I love how you applied the violet to the tear ducts.
You look so pretty! I love that purple!
i loove the make up
Very feminine and pretty! I love that lipglass on you!
You stay with the hot FOTD's! Now, down to business. How can I join the Pretty Committee?? I think I saw a pic of you and the girls at Arundel Mills..like 7 mins from my house!
This is SO pretty!!!
Darn it, I want more eyelid space!! My eyes are so small, shadows never look like this! Any tips for people with smaller eyes?
You're such a pretty girl, sis. =)
love the makeup and your hair is getting so long!
that nyc blusher looks tight ;] & you look gorgeous!
So d*mn pretty!!!!
Hot, Hot, Hot
Kia this look is fabulous!!! What brush do you use to apply color onto you tear duct?
I so should have gotten love knot, it compliments your eyes very well
that eye look is so pretty!:) i might try doing that soon :) it looks so fresh and bright :) it would probably make my eyes look bigger..(i hope) hehe
This FOTD is so my inspiration for tomorrow. You rock!
Note to self: Run to Riteaid. Get Jessie's Girl. Not Rick Springfield single.
@ seymone, roselyn and iriscaraib: thank you lovelies!!
@ bright colored makeup: pandemonium is also my favorite quad... (why didn't i get a back up?) thank you... i like to place color at my tear duct or waterline for my 'pop' of color =)
@ dao, amina and pbw: thank you so much ladies!
@ scandalousbeauty: hey erin!! did you get my tweet yesterday. you are a part! check your google groups ;) we'd love your participation!
@ coffee: hi love! hmm there are a few thing you can do- put your pop of color right on your lid to your crease.... by pop i mean turquoise, hot pink whatever.. since your lid space is small it won't be too much drama. put a neutral in the crease or above to make sure there are no harsh lines.
you can fake more lid space.. use your lid color from lash line to a bit above the crease. take your outer v or crease color above the lid color... you will be cutting a crease.. meaning putting a crease where you don't have one. here's an eye design chart. hope it helps. this is a great topic for a post!
@ fashion frenzy: thanks sis! how have you been?
@ memphiz: hey how are you?? thanks! can you believe it's been a year?!
@ jessica dee: i was so shocked when i saw it in stores.. love the sticker price! thanks!
@ juvenescent: thanks girl!!
@ slvrlips: thanks nikkia! i used the #219 or any angled brush to put color on my tear duct. love knot glass is a pink fave! esp over nude lipsticks and gloss.. the added iridescence is hot!
@ miemiemie: ohh try it! i would love to see it! thanks for stopping by ;)
@ marisol: oooh i'm glad!!! thank you so much!!
@ mandy pandy: girl you are silly!!! don't you love the never to be bought old azz cd's sold in the drugstore?? yes, get jesse's girl AND the nyc blusher =)
you look gorgeous!
i would have never thought of this combo but it is beautiful! it came out really well! i love it.
OMG i love the purple in the tear duct, what a great idea for a pop of color! i'm totally going to try that on my next look! meanwhile...do you like these chrome powders over the MAC msfs? i love my msf in light flush but could definitely use a backup for the kit.
Beautiful! Will you do my makeup? Please! :)
Dude, I swear...you really know to add purple in any look. I love it and I need that quad in my liiiiife!!!
THANK YOU!!!!! And, you're right a GREAT topic for a post (hint, hint...lol)
I'm going to try these tips!!!
WOW! This is another amazing FOTD!
I love how you put the purple in the inner corners...I have that quad and never thought of doing that! I'll have to do a look with it soon...when I do, I'll let you know :)
I love that purple in the crease. What would you suggest for a nude lipstick for NW43?
omg yummy so on Sunday I lost my lashes after I took them off..and on Monday I had no lashes on and I had on just mascara...my eyelids looked so bald it wasnt even a game...ur lashes reminded me that i once again must say that lashes are an essential to your daily makeup diet...haha
So pretty! For a stash grab this is fab!
The eye make-up really compliments your eyes! Beautiful! Oh, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that shade of lipgloss! I never heard of that line before but I'm def gonna check it out!
Where did you find it?! I went to my CVS and Walgreens and it's nowhere to be found =[
this is pretty!..i don't even use my pandamonium quad anymore 'cause i can never get a decent look from it..lol..you're so pretty!
Love the eyes - I'm trying to replicate it myself balancing my laptop on the sink in my bathroom!!
Tomorrow I'll head to MAC to try out the Fab blush - subtle and fresh. You look amazing!!! Thanks so much for the tips!!!
amazing...enough said!
Your eyes are so beautiful! I like the blend of colors you've used. I've known a few make up artists who knows their way around eye shadows.
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