There are 13 shades that come in this line with 3 shades offering blue undertones for a whiter smile (Plum Crazy, Un-wined, and Toast-ed). I tried 3 of the glosses most of them were fairly sheer with the exception of the deeper shade.
The formula is smooth (not sticky), like the original Wet Slick Gloss. What is different from the original WetSlick glosses is the peppermint flavor and the frosty cool cobalt tops!
My experience: The first two times I tried the gloss, I got a sensation that made me check the packaging again... Was this really a lip plumping gloss? After that, I settled in with the gloss, deciding that I really liked it and that it actually gave the uber popular glosses CO Bigelow Mentha Lip Tint a real run for their money. The slight difference? I would say that the CO Bigelow glosses have true mint flavor where as the CG glosses have a hint of a vanilla with the mint taste and smell. I do have to mention that one shade I tried, Everything's Rosy, gave my lips a very drying effect. Just me? Just my one tube? I don't know. My lips didn't have the same effect with the other colors.
If you are a CO Bigelow gloss champ like Slvrlips, then you'll definitely love this gloss.
Overall: Me likey! A+ My favorite shade is Freedom of Peach (a sheer nude peach with a touch of frost).There is something so addictive about peppermint gloss! Available in stores July!
Remember when Queen Latifah was holding her Cover Girl Online Casting Call? Well, the winners were picked and featured in Ebony magazine's June issue! Take a peek here!

I love glossies with flavors! Bigelow is seriously my holy grail in that department but maaaaybe CG is on their level. :)
This item has been in stores in my area for a little while now..I'm loving it!!
I love the Bigelow glosses. I may pick one of these up when I see it.
@ divine blackness: i do believe the CG is on their level now! the CG glosses actually have a bit of color...
@ tammy: yeh they have been in mine for like 3 weeks now. i guess it should make it to all stores by july?
@ suziec: can't wait to hear what you think of them!
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