March has been an especially busy month for us!

My sister's baby shower. I lost all other pics of the event, but I couldn't resist showing a pic of my adorable nephew, the big brother.

Easter weekend, we wanted to do the Horton Hears a Who! breakfast and movie. Babbyum and I got the
green eggs and ham (the pancakes are gross, but pretty!) and then off to the movie, but he insisted that we see College Road Trip instead. He's a Disney fanatic. What can I say?

Did some work on the portfolio.

And then Babyyum (#3 from l-r) turned 4! Am I getting old? We celebrated at the National Aquarium in Baltimore with his cousins and buddy. Then, we had Spiderman cupcakes and ice cream at Macaroni Grill. Sorry, no pics of the candle and all, but here's one that I particularly like LOL

Whew! I'm tired! Doesn't seem like much from my super short picture summary, but it's been a lot in a few weeks (add in other personal matters and the full time job). It's all good though. What will April bring?! (featuring, Loreal HiP's Playful duo =))
Your nephew is adorable Yummy 411.
I hope you have a great weekend.
Product Junkie Diva
your nephew is TOO cute! :) spiderman cupcakes? oh my baby sis would LOVE those. she likes spiderman. haha. weird kid. then again, when i was a kid i liked the teenage mutant ninja turtles. haha. oh tomboys. :P
*HUGS* Thank you for taking the time to make me feel better :)
Great I want iHop now, but the honey hates eating there lol I love that your nephew is pinching his own cheeks lol xD
your nephew is so cute!!They seem to be having so much fun :)
OMG he is adorable!!!
awwwwww, how cute is your nephew?!?!
girl, you've go to do an EOTD using that fish's colors!!
@ product junkie diva: thank you! hope your weekend was stellar!
@ christianadivine: thank you!! hey i like teenage mutant ninja turtles too! hey we sound old. i think we are supposed to say TMNT LOL!
@ ladyjane: (((HUGS))) of course!
@ lurve: oh go and indulge! LOL.. yes girl, he thinks he's cute too LOL
@ nywele: thank you!!
@ vanessa: thanks!!
@ (g): the aquarium was definitely great inspiration!
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