Hola mujeres!
I know some of you have already gone green and have become Earth conscious to help keep our Earth in shape for many years to come. However, Paris Presents has brought 'going green' to a different part of our lifestyle... bath, body and cosmetic tools! I'm really excited.
When I became interested in makeup, I began to learn about the tools of the trade, the cosmetic brushes. I was hearing about badger and beaver brushes, synthetic and goat hair. So much to choose from, but I was a bit disheartened by the use of animal hair for cosmetic uses. I eventually got used to the idea, though it's something that sits unsettled in the back of my mind. Now, Paris Presents brings us EcoTools Cosmetic Brushes! These Earth-friendly brushes have bamboo handles and super soft synthetic taklon bristles- cruelty free!
For inexpensive brushes with the Earth in mind, I'm totally impressed. Let me count the ways:
1. Even the ferrule is recycled aluminum.
2. Each brush comes in a reusable & biodegradable EVA cosmetic pouch.
3. Each pouch has a green tip for you!
4. These brushes are available in stores like Kmart and Walmart.
5. Ok, get this. I splurged on my #138 brush. Loves it! My older sister came over and I stroked her face with the EcoTools blush brush and then with the #138. I didn't tell her what kind of brush the second brush was. I was just messing around on her face. She was like "Hey, that EcoTools brush is softer than the other brush." My brow lowered with disbelief. You know I had my MAC shield on. What? Some other brush felt better than my expensive MAC brush? I told her what the second brush was and asked was she sure. She looked at me as if to say, 'Yeh, it's true.' I had to step back and just brush my own face with the brushes. She was right.
Great brushes. Great value. Great purpose! If it's trendy now to go green, then I hey, I'll be trendy! Check out their assortment of bath and body products.
Brushes I favor: The powder and blush brushes, the angle brush, the brow brush with lash comb, and the foundation brush (I like it with my airmist foundation).
I've been lemming these brushes for a while. :P I like the part that it's eco-friendly and inexpensive. and wow, you say it's softer than your MAC brush? that's impressive. i'm seriously going to have to track these brushes down in a store near me soon. LOL. :]
My sister bought the strobe liquid and I was just testing it out. I didn't like it much. You were right... there was a glowing of white on my face. I don't think I'm going to buy it. I can borrow my sister's. Anyway, thanks for stopping by my blog. I like those eco-friendly-brushes. Great post!
great post! I didn't know eco-brushes existed. I will definitely check them out!
I'll have to add to my GREEN list...it's funny I did a blog entry on the GREEN movement...great minds think alike!!!! See you next weekend!
I have to check these out..
Oh Bath & Body, how I miss thee :(
another thing to add to my list, he he
Thanks for the review. I was thinking about posting on green beauty products and testing them out. Wow, I'm shocked that the EcoTools brush felt better than the expensive MAC one -- go figure!
I love me them Eco Brushes! They are reallllly soft! And I love Sara Bareilles, my favorite song is "Love on the Rocks" have you heard it? And I hope Jabbawockeez wins!
Hope you had a great weekend beautiful!
Wow, I was just getting ready to work on my brush collection...maybe I need to "go green" now! LOL Great post!
@ christianadivine: yes a great buy! i can't wait to hear a review from you and how they work with your mineral makeup
@ mrslanilovesmac: thank you! okay, so it wasn't just me with the strobe liquid.. great to know!
@ nywele: thanks! i didn't either until now. i'm glad they do exist =)
@ keshajo: yes they do! see ya next weekend.. and can you bring along miss milan so i can finally meet her?!
@ seymone: yes you do ;)
@ mrs. lynne: i can definitely relate!
@ makeupbyrenren: great for your brush arsenal.
@ brush girl gumbo: i know! i was definitely taken aback.
@ vanessa: i'm glad you like them too. i haven't heard that song.. yet ;) go jabba dancers! LOL funny name...
@ baby doll: something to definitely think about ;)
Hey Yummy!
Is there a retailer that sells these? I hate buying stuff online for some reason :(
I can't wait until the new Making the Band episode today - I'm gonna write up a post just for you!
PS - the Boyfriend and his brother are watching the Jabbawockeez on youTube right now - LOL
hey nills! yeh they say that they are in the stores, but i am searching and haven't come up with anything =( you know i'm the drugstore paparazzi in the beauty aisle. as soon as i find something, i'll let you know!
Hmm. I've been hearing great reviews about these brushes, but I'm not sure if they're available in Vancouver. Now I want to try them even more after reading your post due to the softness factor. I'm gonna try to hunt them down. LOL
ladyjane, i'm going to keep my eyes open for you k?
Walgreens (brick & mortar stores and online) sells these brushes. I've also heard that Kmart might carry them, but I've yet to see them there.
I picked up the blush brush, it's incredibly nice for the price. The taklon bristles are super soft! It's not quite as dense as more expensive brushes I've bought, but I really do like it and will probably go back for at least the powder brush.
thanks for chiming in anon!!
Also check your nearby Ulta store or Duane Reade =)
thanks Sandra!
target sells them!
Thanks for sharing such an interesting information.On website
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