I saw this title -9 Things I Would Say to My Younger Self- over in the Beauty Blog Network's live feed, yeh that widget over in the sidebar... When I thought about it, it made me all sentimental as I was just doing some mid winter purging, going through some old things and throwing away other things that I just didn't need to hold on to anymore. Of course I came across lot of pics, pics from undergrad, great summers, and study abroad. I just thought to myself, if I only knew then what I know now, what would I think?
While blog-hopping, I found the blog that the post belonged to, Karen of Makeup and Beauty Blog. She always writes about great topics. Head over there to check out her list. I wanted to post mine to share with you all and some what of archival purposes for myself.
I pictured myself (and got misty eyed), the older, wiser mid 20 something Kia (LOL) as a fairy wise god mother, talking to the younger 20 year old Kia looking over her future and how things just might happen.
1. For starters, I'm really proud of you. I truly am. Hold dear the scent of India, the curious Japanese touching your hair, the motion sickness from living on a boat. Dance the bachata like no one's watching. Never let those memories go.
2. I love who you are more than you do right now. Appreciate yourself.
3. Don't be afraid of greatness. Go after it!
4. Take chances. You never know what may open up to you.
5. It's great to have a solid plan, but if your plans don't work out as you planned them, it's going to be okay.
6. Don't like kids? You might want some in the future? You only want a girl? Well things are gonna happen a little sooner than we planned and nothing like we planned. Get ready! ... and it's gonna be a boy.
7. Okay, okay, I have to spill the beans.... giving birth will be one of the most amazing things that will ever happen to you. Don't believe me? Okay, I know it's hard to believe, but you'll have to wait and find out.
8. You'll love hard and deeply. Your heart and soul will never be the same after meeting this special person. You'll experience life differently because of this special person. He's only about 2 and half feet and resembles a puppy dog.
9. Makeup, not war will take on a whole new meaning!
What's on your list?
Hi! Yaay, have you enabled comments now for everyone? I hope it wasn't just me who got the whole thing wrong, thinking I couldn't comment! Oh well, here I am!
Oh, that list is so beautiful. I love it, thanks for sharing! I've done several of these lists before, and they have really helped in achieving a harmonious and open mind!
Lol at number 6, with kids you can't really plan everything, that's so true!
Many warm hugs!
I love your list! I can tell you are a very appreciative and determined woman. And you can sense the warm loving motherness in you. Oh Kia *hug* This post is inspiring :)
And how fitting! The Word Verification right now is: bigghue! But I read it as "bigg hug" :)
Hope your week is going well. Rock hard ma!
@ rocketqueen: i'm sorry about the comments deal. i put them on moderation mode while i was trying to remove this overwhelming inappropriate comment that made it way onto the blog. yes, it's back open now.
thank you! (((hugs!))
@ mrs. lynne: thank you! i'm glad it can be inspiring.. i hope it continues to inspire me.
LOL @ the word verification! but yes very fitting! (((big hugs))) mama lynn! it's almost friday!!!
An interesting list. Someday I hope to do something like this since I'm only 22 and I need to get a little further first....
Shoooot I wish I knew you back in the day I am sure we would have had a blast! Still gorgeous back then and moreso now! Muah!
I absolutely love this post!! I've often thought about what I would do if I could go back in time and be that young early 20-something again. If only I knew then what I know now. But I guess it's onward and upward!!! :-)
I love this toooo!!! Mann, sometimes I wish I go go back in time. Life is good as a 23 year-old but I miss college like hell. Lovin' your lessons. Now you know I gotta go and post this up in Clumps too. I love our OT Posts. These are great! Love ya, Yums!
awww i love this post! it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...i can tell you're an awesome mommy...it's funny how much wiser a few years can make a person...keep up the good work shawty ! (sorry, my ATL talk, he he)
Ahh, I'd have to take some time to figure out what I'd tell that 18-year-old. At a time like that you think that you're invincible and in a way, you are.
I'd tell myself to leave that bastard because he'll waste the next 3 years of your life.
To go do whatever your heart desires, travel, study abroad, whatever it is that you want - do it NOW instead of in 10 years. In fact, I should keep telling myself that now too! :)
Yours and Karen's were inspirational posts and I hope to be able to reflect and continue to change my life for the better.
Thank YOU!
@ koffee dyme: it's always cool to self reflect. i'm sure you'd say something to your 10 year old self or even your 15 year old self....
@ vanessa: aww thanks!! i'm a fun person now, ask babyyums! LOL.. muah back at ya!
@ BGG: i love that! upward and onward!!! i've gotta keep that one posted!
@ divine blackness: can't wait to read your list. this list was important to me, but i'd love to do one strictly for makeup. maybe i will...! love ya too girl!
@ makeupbyrenren: thank ren! i love the ATL in you! get crunk! LOL
@ nilla cookie: thank you so much for sharing that!!! the same things i would tell my younger self, i need to continue to tell myself now! as BGG said, upward and onward!!
Hi Kia,
I love your list. I hope one day we can sit down and have a meal together so you can tell me all about your adventures.
Thank you for the link back to the post too...I really appreciate it.
Have a happy Friday!
Yaay, so glad to see the comments are back on! I can't believe the stuff some people write, why would they do that here anyway?
Oh, I'm reading through the list again and it makes me so moved and all happy!
Going out for a trip downtown now with my SO, we're both having the day off - hooray! Hope you're having as good a day as I am right now!
Many warm hugs!
@ karen: you know i would love to talk to you about those adventures, though you might be bored as i only scratched the surface on many of my experiences.
no prob! i got the idea from YOU! =) have a great weekend!
@ rocketqueen: i have no idea why people pick the outlets that they do. when you want to spread negativity, there's no better time or place than anywhere or anytime =p
i'm glad that the post can make you happy. oooh a day off! you two have a wonderful time and an even better weekend!
Aww!! I loved your list! It made me feel all warm and gushy inside! :)
Great article!
If my youngerself could see me now she'd probably give me a good slap with her barbie doll. I've not exactly followed any of my dreams.
I love that kia! that's some good to journal about tonight. I'm post it soon on my blog-o. Wow, I think my younger self is about to get curse out! lol!
@ kuuipo: thanks Francine!
@ tink: lol thanks! i'm sure it's okay that you haven't followed your exact dreams that you had then, but have dreamt up some new ideas! good luck!
@ rebellebap: thanks Jamie! A fabulous article to write about in a journal and something that I could prob write forever about. can't wait to read your blog entry =)
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