We used:
- a candle (or stove top flame will work)
- a fork (that will be soley used for this purpose)
-x-acto knife
-magnets (circle/strips)
-and towel
-of course our shadows!
(Don't mind the spoon, Clinique shimmering powder, and to the left of the candle is empty trays.)
What we did:
-used the xacto knife to extract pan shadow in tray from the fliptop shadow container (just as in the depotting tutorial from the above link)
-put the tray on the fork and in a back in forth motion moved the panned shadow over the flame of the candle (as pictured above)
-we saw that the black plastic tray was getting warped, so then,with towel on the table,
-we took the xacto knife and pryed the panned shadow out of the tray. Each time it would flop on the towel, face down... exposing the bottom with sticky glue.
-We quickly cut the the magnet strip, peeled it from the paper and stuck it on the glue.
Back 2 MAC container and the shadow is ready to palette!
As you can see, there are empty, flip top containers and shadow pans... you can see one shadow faced down with the magnet showing....
Thanks Slvrlips for showing me how to do it!
(She just got her Dominican wet set and blow out, gotta preserve the curl ladies!)
Oh, anyone have any suggestions on what I should get with my new back to MAC empties?? If you suggest shadow, etc., be specific, tell me what color and why... thanks for all of your help!
Oh, I saw a tut on youtube where the guy did not use heat to depot. It was awesome. I may try it.
I suggest SOBA b/c it is a soft highlight or crease color.
do you have a link for that tut? i'd be interested in seeing how that's done.. without the heat lol
thanks for the rec! how does soba compare to somoa milk?
I dont know how Soba compares to SM. *sorry*
Oh, it looks like a science experiment (or a seance!) I will have to try one of these days.
AND I'm totally on AppleDiva's side with the Soba. I think it would look gorgeous on you in the crease, really warm and golden.
thanks karen and apple diva!
karen: science experiment you say, even polite enough to say a seance... others were skeptical.. "are y'all cooking up makeup crack?" LOL
Soba e/s is a great color it was my fave until I found out about texture. it may be comparable to something in your growing collections
Kia may I suggest a lipstick one of the new matten shades
Sounds like a field trip is in order
OH MY GOD! lol! I can't believe they'd go there!
And can I just say Slvrlips ROCKS? Any girl who can work her curlers on the internet gets two big thumbs up in my book. GO GIRL!
...and look at all these votes for my fav., Soba! You better get it!
This reminds me that I have lots of shadows I need to de-pot! I need some B2M empties!!!
wait....you need SKETCH in your life...that purple is amazing...shadow, eyeliner...have brush and will make it work!
and...I am thinking VEX that is a great highlight shade as well...
nikkia: i'll have to check out both then.. good idea to wait and check out mattene!
karen: lol yes... we got the evil eyes and all. the curlers were all me (she still rocks though,lol).. she didn't want me to take a picture, but i had to give credit where credit is due =) i might be getting more than one b2m with all the stuff i can depot..
toya: thanks for dropping by! yes depot depot depot... free MAC!
yaya! good to see you here! i have vex; i'm on top of that. now sketch, i've been meaning to make a purple palette for quite a while now with sketch, hepcat, creme de violet and stars and rockets.. i don't have any of those (weird since i love purples). i look forward to your updates and beauty reviews over at ammo. you have me cracking up!
Thanks for posting this! I had no clue about depoting! I have a ton that I can do for B2M! But in my area they only give us lipstick for B2M???
hey baby doll. i'm glad you can use this! at counters such as macy's or nordstrom they will only give a lipstick for every set of 6 empty plastic packages. check with a freestanding MAC store to redeem your empties for a lipstick, eye shadow or a set of lashes!
oh btw.... (if you aren't aware)to store your newly depotted eyeshadows, you can purchase an empty palette (4,12, or 20 i believe) from a MAC store or you purchase empty quads from E.L.F (check their website or your local drugstore)for $1!
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