Here are the rules:
1.) When received, you may post the premio to your blog.
2) Link to the blogger you received it from.
3) Give it to 7 blogs.
4) Link to those 7 blogs.
5) Leave those seven bloggers a comment about receiving the brilliant premio.
So many blogs, so little space! Clumps of Mascara, Amina, Ren, Vanessa, Juvenescent, Seymone and so many others have already received the award, but
I give this award to:
- Slvrlips- by default... nah I'm joking, okay I'm not. I knew we were makeup sisters when I spotted her on Specktra (when we actually go back to high school). Ever since, she's the only person I could talk to about makeup... endlessly... seriously. She joined me in the blogging game and I can't wait for other adventures with her! Great fotds and reviews and keeping you hip on the music scene? yeh...
- Apple Diva- she doesn't run a beauty blog, but she's a beauty junkie all the same. She's been supporting a sista for a minute! Thanks!
- Connie- I love her and her looks that she comes up with. I think we have the same style in that we can get bold, but for the most part, we play color vividly, safe-- yeh we go to work and school, etc. Sometimes, subtlety is called for lol.
- MandyPandy- for keeping me in stitches about beauty and her spot on reviews with products. She could seriously serve up an episode of SnL single handedly.
- Lilan of The Daily Cookie- sweet as pie and has convinced me by pics that she can actually make a mean pie.. yum!
- Makeupfix- Mama Lynne gives you info that will never leave you second guessing! She sweet, she's resourceful and the girl has skillz!
- Row- this chick makes one helluva multi tasking palette! Great reviews! Glad she's part of the blogosphere.
- Frappelattes- my homie builds sites, keeping her site hot and fresh, and is such a beauty junky, she turned her bf into one! hahahaha! She keeps me inspired!
- Rural Glamour- Jamie's been around for a while! A beauty blogging mommy with southern charm that keeps it real in the superficial world of beauty.
Makeup For Life, Scandalous Beauty, Lani, Fifty- cent Head, Habitual Beauty, Mischo Beauty, Liz, Rocketqueen, (g), Lurve, the newcomers that have hit the scene Virtuous Blue, Erin, Anjela, Hair- Ho, Irodori and so,so, so many others.....wonderful blogs that keep me beautifully satisfied on the daily!
Thanks again Amina!
You're welcome. You totally deserve it. off to read the blogs you mentioned. And yes, Svlrlips rocks!!
Oh wow, you mentioned my name, lol!! Congrats on receiving the Brillante Weblog Premio Award '08, Kia!! :)
Brillante? Premio?!? Dammit Kia, you know I don't speak Spanish!
No, actually, I wanted to thank you for the torrid link love; it's nice to finally be recognized for my groundbreaking work in un-paid beauty journalism! ;-)
I would like to thank my mom, for buying me this laptop where I blog from... and my boss, who gave me jobs so that I have money to buy makeup... and my turtle for accompanying me while I blog alone in my room... and... and...*bursts into hysterical tears with boogers and all*
Thanks so much Kia!! Your support means so much to me. It's great to know that you've been there for me from the very beginning. And now the award! Awh, you're too awesome.
@ amina: ;)
@ anjela: of course! thanks!
@ mandypandy: Lol yo hablo un poquito del espanol! hahaha!
ewww sorry! i swear i thought i checked all of my links. i just can't ever get yours right =p it's fixed sorry about that!
@ connie: you're welcome
TO ALL: there are so many blogs and bloggers i could have mentioned that i love (SUZIEC!) but i can't name them all... you should see my google reader! LOL i love you guys and thanks for all of your support!
...specktra, BGG, product junkie diva.. okay i'll stop. y'all know who you are ;)
Thanks for the shout Kia! woot!
Kia, Thanks so much foe this award. I feel soo honored. Seriously!! You inspired and encouraged me to start my blog and I thank you for that.
Oh my goddd you nominated me! how sweet! I didnt even realise as I have been snowed under boxes (from moving), bills and kitten poo. MWAH. Me got a new space *plug plug* www.cosmetic-candy.com
If you don't visit me, you have herpes.
@ nills: you're welcome!
@ slvrlips: you're welcome! you are closer towards your ultimate dream ;)
@ row: yes i did! wow you've really been working for the few days it's been live. hahahaa! you are something else! ;)
:o I did not see this until now! Kia you're the best!! ♥ Thanks babe!
thanks mama ;X
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