I really enjoyed this year's show compared to other years. They still have work to do but overall, the performances were hot! Neyo with the masked dancers, T-Pain being ring leader of his circus (minus Rick Ross exposing his buddha belly to us), please believe Lluda on the "I'm So Hood" remix... he's the hottest!!! Alicia Keys and the girl groups... I was loosing it with SWV, En Vogue, and finally tears were really about to drop seeing TLC without the 'L' =(
Some of my favorite looks of the night were:

(I had a better pic of her in her performance makeup which I will upload later!)Edit: Here's the pic

Nia Long-beautiful nude look and plum dress. What does she use for her skin? She's probably one of those chicks that just says "I use cocoa butter!" LOL

Niecy Nash and no big azz flower! Beautiful with gorgeous skin! Purple is so regal!

TLC without the L =(

She overdid it with pink, but she's doing what she does best... smile and be gorgeous!

Alicia +

Ashanti with the old Hollywood glamour

Gabrielle Union again let her beautiful skin do all the talking.. simplistic and gorgeous!
(photo credits: Bet.com, omg.yahoo.com, rnbmusicblog.com)
Did you all see the show? What did you think of it?
I enjoyed the show, I thought everyone looked good for the most part. I even enjoyed Rick Ross's belly. I like the fact that he's a confident big man. Confidence is very SEXY at any size! I wish more Females had his confidence about their bodies. Overall the show was pretty good. My favorite was the AL GREEN tribute, Love him and LAWD, MY original soul crush, MAXWELL, he can sang the eyeshadow off me any day.LOL!
Hey Yummy...long time no talk to! LOL!
I thought the show was pretty good. I expected more from Usher...they had really hyped his opening up to be more than what it was. The highlight of the night was A.Keys and all of the female groups and that Al Green tribute. Chris Brown's dance performance with Ciara was nice too.
ugh maxwell, maxwell, maxwell... after he perfomed, that was all i remembered about the show... lord he is fine!
I missed it! I hope they rerun it:(
The show pretty good. Every year the sound system is messed up. BET needs to get it together in that regards. Other than I really enjoyed Alicia Keys' performance with , SWV, EnVogue & TLC and Al Green's tribute. Jill Scott, Anthony Hamilton and Maxwell. What a nice mix.
I almost missed the show. I really enjoyed Alicia Keys'performance and i was so excited to see SWV, en vogue and I cried when I saw TLC!!
Ne-yo ripped it!! he is so fine!! he's great dancer too, I loved how he danced with the Jabbas..
I did not recognize Lil Kim..
and Maxwell was fiiiiiiiine..
I always like Niecy Nash's makeup. It's one of the main reasons why I tune in to Clean House. The show got better to me after 9. I really wish they would get their sound issues under control. When commercials came on I nearly had a heart attack not realizing that the volume was so high.
were ne-yo's masked dancers the jabbawockeez? hahaha. anyway... i loove nia long's look and dress... soo pretty!
Ohmigoodness, I am seriously the biggest BET hata ever. But I love lookin' at the runway styles. I love Ashanti's, but I think it would have been a little more classy had the entire dress been long. A. Keys...loves it! And Nia Long, I swear in another life she would e my best friend.
Everyone's skin looks awesome. I keep hearing about the BET Awards and I missed it. I've been boycotting BET for months now and I completely forgot about it.
Everyone looks great in the pictures!
yuck! I HATED Nicey Nash's dress and shoes. I thought it looked cheap and tacky...kinda like her style sometimes... :/
@ couturesista: i feel you. unfortunately society makes it more acceptable for overweight guys than women. oh maxwell *fanning*
@ baby doll: HHEEEEEYYY! i was about to put out an apb on you! thanks for stopping by!
@ lesly; hhaaa! lol
@ thehomespagoddess: you know they will rerun it to death. lol have you caught it yet? thoughts?
@ slvrlips: nice mix indeed!
@ nywele: i was wondering if the dancers were the jabbas but i couldn't confirm. yeh his performance was on point!
@ rihanna: i know!!!!! her team keeps her on point. gosh i'm so envious!!
@ suziec: LLOOLOLL!! @ your commercial moment! while i love niecy's makeup too (provided by mac) it's not enough to keep me tuned in to the show =(( it's wayyyy to long (why intro us to the house and fam and do a second intro for the crew?? mind numbing!)
@ anne: ok i'll def have to check. who else could have given up a performance like that with the trademarked masks? nia is classic!
@ b: lol.. i know you're a bet hater. nia is the hottest! how cool was it to see her with cuba and morris reunited?! oh u didn't see it because ... you are.. a ... BET hater ;)
@ afrodite: yeh everyone did look amazing. when niecy nash did her bit on stage, not only did her face look amazing, but her shoulders and arms too (skin).. it's not as evident in the pic above, but she looked great!
@ felicity: i agree!
@ shansopink: her pic doesn't look as good as she did on stage..
tboz is my fav TLC member. She's gorgeous here. Also Rihanna, I admire how bold and daring she is with her look.
Yaaayyy...you chose some of the same people I chose in my BET Award Show review.
I am SO glad I am not the only one who nearly did a back flip to not see Neicy Nash with a flower. Must admit that I ALWAYS love her make up (tune in to Clean House on Style just for her beatness alone lol).
And I just love T-Boz's funky gladiator pumps. Lauren London had on the same ones & it gave her look a much needed "umph!".
IMO, everyone (for the most part) looked really good this year. I wasn't mad at most of the fashion & make up choices.
As for the content of the show: DL Hughley better not quit his day job, Usher needs to concentrate on including more singing in his performances, Ciara ain't got no shame in her game, i've come to the realization that i'm not a fan of live rap, Marvin Sapp is the truth, Al Green ripped it, and I officially want Maxwell to father my children lol.
Kenya of VB
is it me or does chili get younger looking each year?
thanks for the congrats
Rihanna looks great. Gabby Union has such gorgeous skin and looks awesome. Gabby has this natural looking makeup that she wears, beautiful.
Product Junkie Diva
@ psychoexgirlfriend: i agree with you on all accounts!
@ dominican enigma: no it's not you ... it's chili with those fab genes! you're welcome!
@ product junkie diva: i know.. i'm so envious of them!
who's the chick in the pink dress? i looooove it!! i would so wear that dress to work (and get in trouble and hold up my reputation as the office freak).
ashanti looks sooooo gorgeous..!
(g) that's cassie! i agree =))
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