So here's my look, the MA Jo did =)

mac oil control lotion
mineralize satin finish
mineralize natural skin finish medium dark
studio finish concealor nw30
margin blush
concealor nc42
go bananas (inner lid)
passionate (lid)
bang on blue (crease and outter corner and under eyelid)
graphblack liner on waterline and upperlid-tightline)
claire de lune (highlight)
Sorry, I didn't touch up my lips, but I originally wore freckletone l/s, caramellow liner, and revealing lipglass.
Have you been c shocked? Give the details!
How does the Bananas compare to Chrome Yellow? I almost got another Wondergrass, but I decided against it. I am getting better with this "problem" haha... well, I may get another Saturnal.
diva, chrome yellow is just more yellow. bananas is so frosty.. like a pastel whitish yellow.
wow you really like saturnal huh?
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