Monday, September 21, 2009

Kim K is now a Beauty Editor!

Kim K will now be a contributing beauty editor at OK! magazine. The scoop is that she has a 3 year contract. What do you all think of this?


Shana Janelle said...

I understand the reasoning - pull in a big name to pull in readers however I had a bit of a side-eye because realistically her makeup artist Mario (I cant ever get his last name correct) would be the one who should be doing it - just my opinion.

Stylin' & Profilin' said...

yes, big names sell magazines... but i'd like to know what qualifies her to be a beauty editor other than having a personal make-up artist at the ready?!?!? i'm just saying...

yummy411 said...

shana and andrea, i was thinking the same thing as i always look for beauty tips and products from her makeup artist. oh well, maybe he/they are being contracted on the low as her advisors or something! at least her 'brand' is selling!

G. said...

I agree w/ all of you. It's clearly an effort to attract readers but as for what qualifies her...geeze, if I had a great MUA would that mean I'd be better qualified to get editorial jobs? lol.

Kim @ The HLMN said...

Honestly, I'm just glad she's trying to do more with her life than show her behind in men's magazines. One step at a time.

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