
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hair Update April 2011

Hey Amina!!

Me and my locs!

Side view... the side looks a little baldy, but that's cuz i twisted them. They get fuzzy and you can't see any scalp!

I couldn't get a total back view because I didn't have a photog assistant handy (the kid) lol, so this was the best I could do.

Randoms about my hair:
*The last time I colored my hair, I colored the top/crown a
nice vibrant red, but now it's a copper :/ Red maintenance is hard!
*I love being a red head.
*I'm ready to get some curls back!
*With my locs being longer, I'm worried about the Summer time.
(Heat, heaviness, sweat, bugs, outside dander, ughhhh)
*My locs are getting to that point where I always want them in a pony
tail of some sort.
*My next goal length is to get my ponytail in a bun.
*Length isn't super important to me as I've liked my hair at different
*I want a deep red velvet red color at the crown and some
violet or orange highlights.
*I'd still love for Thierry Baptiste to do my hair.
*The most annoying things about my hair right now is the unruly
kitchen. No matter how much I try to get the hair twisted in a loc,
none of it stays and locs.
*I pick at my locs with tweezers. Sometimes wearing different fabrics, material
gets in my locs hanging on my back.

Time flies!


  1. yaaaay a hair update!!
    I looove your locks!!!

  2. I cant wait for you to Rock the Red (Go Caps! LOL) - I love a good hair update!

  3. That color is giving me liiiiife!

  4. @ shana: hahaha!

    @ b: really? wow! i feel like my red is all faded, but hey.. glad you like!

  5. i luh-ve your hair! you betta work! LOL

  6. Wow! Your hair has really grown....looks beautiful. :)

  7. Hair is one of the basic compounds of a good look. Taking care of it should be your everyday ritual. I am always looking for the natural products, because initially I am opposed to all kinds of chemicals. I use herbal shampoos, oils, eggs, yogurt and many other products as external remedies. In the same time, I consider my nutrition and fill my eating plan with useful foods. Besides, in autumn and spring I try to take additional vitamins. Recently I have found a nice nutritional supplement, which is most natural of all I have tried before. It’s Hair Gain Formula, manufactured by Military Grade. Together with it, all other actions which I take provide perfect results not only for my hair, but also for my skin and nails.


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