
Thursday, March 26, 2009

MAC's Red Velvet Shadestick vs. L'Oreal HiP's Unmistakeable

After picking up my Sugarsweet haul, I thought to myself, 'Darn! Why did I buy Red Velvet when I have my barely used Unmistakeable HiP crayon at home?'

Ha! Glad I did.  They are indeed different!

Red Velvet- a bit creamier with a satin finish
Unmistakeable- metallic and after a while, might be a base without a smooth finish for your shadows

top- MAC Red Velvet shadestick
bottom- HiP Unmistakeable crayon
Unmistakeable looks quite rusty red, but it's more of a metallic, rust- pink
(without flash)
The HiP crayon is a bit bigger.  Sorry I don't know the net weights.
Caps off..

OK, follow along... not the best example, but I wanted to try:
left base- Unmistakeable
right base- Red Velvet

swatched MAC shadows/pigment from top to bottom:
top- Falling Star e/s
middle- Paradisco e/s
bottom- Milk pigment


  1. oh i'm so glad you did this comparison. i've been thinking that it was the same as unmistakable. i wonder if its the same as pink couture shadestick by MAC...hmm

  2. i have both too...glad they're different!

  3. I too am glad you did this. I was wondering how much different were they. Great advice and info as usual.

  4. I just made a video showing a HIP Color Rich Crayon compared to a Shadestick :) The HIP do look way bigger but are like .5g less I think. I mention it in my video but of course forgot to jot it down for my blog post. Very deceiving! Great comparison, I haven't seen that HIP color before. My stores only seem to carry very basic colors.

  5. I thought the exact same thing and was soooo gonna do a post comparing the two!! LOL!!

  6. wow,.never thought that color would be great for shadestick! thanks!

  7. @ jensmakeupbag: ok wow you stumped me. that may be before my MAC days.. or just for years i only went to MAC for lip glosses lol

    @ makeupbyrenren: i'm sure you'll enjoy this one too!

    @ robyn: thanks chica!!

    @ beauty maintenance: thanks! i'll check out the vid!

    @ BBS bianca: thanks! still would like to hear what you have to say on the matter.. do the post!

    @ askmewhats: that's why i had to buy it. it's so intriguing!


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