
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Beauties rocking MAC's Exclusive Event lipstick

Hey dolls! I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas. The kid got a few things from his wishlist and we spent the day with family.  A good time! I didn't wear any special makeup.  I wanted to earlier that morning, but I guess it was a fleeting feeling. 

MAC's Exclusive Event (Divine Night Holiday Collection 2013) soft, brown- taupe lipstick really caught me by surprise. I didn't plan to get anything from the collection.  I had only checked the collection for the MSFs.  I walked in the store, saw it, thought it looked different and just bought it... in early December when the collection launched in October no less!   I was pleasantly surprised.

I wanted to feature some other beauties and how they rocked their Exclusive Event lipstick. Some of you may notice them because they are Specktrites too ;)  Check them out on Instagram!   The lipstick seems to be sold out every where, but if you know how to hunt, you may be able to still find it.

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