
Monday, October 29, 2012

Chrisette Michele:Promo Image for new single Charades f. 2 Chainz

I love Chrisette.  She def gained more respect and love from me when she connected with readers and Patrice herself via comments on  She's so bad ass! I love when she does her promo images. They are so inspiring.  With spiked hair, a pompador, or a long weave--she's adorable, but this funky, dyed, natural.. I'm digging it and loving it best.  The shades and lipstick are just as amazing.

Her new single, Charades f. 2 Chainz is available for a listen on I'm inclined to agree with author Danielle on on her review of the single and her opinion on the 2 Chainz feature.  I love some 2 Chainz, but he does nothing for the song, just like the opening verse on Justin Bieber's Girlfriend.  Maybe 2 Chainz should stick to being featured on rap songs.

I leave you with one of my favorite Chrisette moments, natural hair and all-- she performs with DC's all girl go go band, Be'la Dona.  If she ever does this again, I'm sooo there!


  1. I absolutely love her look and her music.

  2. Hey, hey! I've been missing your blog posts! I LOVE Chrisette! And I agree, while all of her looks are absolutely fabulous --this one right here is dopeness! I LOVE her hair, the lipstick, the shades... Everything!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love love love Chrisette Michele! That pic of her in the shades, rocking red lips is fierce! Wish I could rock short hair, and look that good.

  4. @ jojo: me too!

    @ la: awww thanks! hopefully, i'll get back into the swing of things. no problem!

    @ beauty sentinel: i'm sure you do! ;)


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