
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award!

Thanks to Miss Jen for sending the blog love my way! I love her blog! I know you all have checked it out before, right?

The rules for these awards are:

*Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.

*Tell us 7 things about yourself.

*Award 15 recently discovered new bloggers.

*Contact these bloggers and let them know they've received the award(s).

7 Facts About Me:
1. I have all sisters and we still have all sons!
2. I love red heads!
3. MJ The Experience is my favorite video game right now.
4. I'm looking for a chunky black glitter polish.. do I need to make it myself?
5. I've had two major surgeries in my life.
6. My sister introduced beauty and eye brow arching to me at 14.
7. I never have B2M empties... depotting needs to happen now!

15 Beautiful Bloggers:
The Dollymix Diaries
The Glamorous Gleam
Curvy Recessionista
A Complicated Melody
Creatively Yours
Luxe Tips
Married 2 Makeup
Queenie Keisha
Makeup Theory
Makeup by Celly
What I Wore Tip to Toe
We Should Makeup
The Cosmetic Girl
Vex in the City
Expensive Pink


  1. Heyy great blog! I am a new Blogger & was wondering if you had any tips. Also, how do you acquire followers? Please Check out my blog (: if you can email me at with your response I would appreciate it! Thankss

  2. Thank you so much!! I'm so flattered! Do I need to do anything?(I'm such a!)

  3. awww thanks for tagging me :) I will definitely do this asap :D

    That's so weird that you guys all have sons... ha ha!

  4. Cheers hon - I'll do this when I have time x

  5. Thanks chica!!! I cant wait to get home so I can blog about my award and check out the other blogs you awarded!!! XOXO

  6. Hi- I love what you've done with your blog since I last visited.

    We met a couple years ago at the Total Beauty blogger conference. My blog was Fresh Radiant Skin (although its changed now to Radiant Brown Beauty).


  7. Thank you so much for the award Kia. Too cute that you and all of your sisters have sons lol :)

  8. @ k storey: email is the best way to go.

    @ devin: lol.. you are supposed to do the same thing on your blog... your are tagged!

    @ ndoodles: no prob! yes i still find it funny. my mom initially wanted boys, but now that she has all of these grandsons, she's like "i'll take a girl anyday!"

    @ vexinthecity: cheers!

    @ creatively yous: ;)

    @ michelle: hi michelle! how have you been?

    @ mz. moore: no prob! lol

    @ the dollymix diaries: no prob doll ;)

  9. Hi- Pretty good Can't complain!

    Have you heard from Total Beauty? I haven't seen any promos lately.


  10. I love your makeup skills and I think you have a great blog!

    Thank you so much Kia for the award. Im truly honored ;0}


Drop me a line! I value and appreciate your comments!