
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My latest beauty indulgence: Beauty Podcasts!

Downloading beauty chat to hear when I'm commuting or on the go, is sooo refreshing! It definitely gives me more stimulation than the 5 records that are abused on public radio (or the same 200+ songs on my iPod). I love uploading fresh content from iTunes when I need something new! Yes, free beauty chat from experts and industry insiders when I want! It's fab! You can listen to recorded shows right from the blogtalk radio site or my favorite, a podcast from iTunes.

Downside: Illusions Beauty creators Janice and Denise are the only ones I've found, really talking BEAUTY! If you guys know of any more, please let me know. One more thing, the topics get interesting and you can't comment or join in the discussion, LOL!

How to download podcasts to your iPod.

Do you download podcasts? Which shows?

P.s. Can I be real with you guys? When you get into the podcasts, don't just listen to the interviews and chats with big names like Sam Fine and Valente Frazier. You truly learn from all of the chats. So one by one, click and listen!


  1. Started listening to this in my car today - brilliant!! Thanks for letting us know :) xoxo
    See The World


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