
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

12 Question Tag and more!

Thanks to the awesome Makeup Majesty for this tag!
The pic above isn't the 8th pic out of the 8th folder (as the rules ask for), but I kinda lost count after the different branches it took to get to this photo. This is a pic of the kid that he took of himself with my Blackberry. After not hearing my phone beep or ring for a bit, I'm sure to find a silly slide show of the kid's photography!.. but hehe, I enjoy them most times.

On to the questions!

1.What shoe size are you?
11- there i said it! I used to be 10 borderline 11. I guess a few cupcakes later, I'm a complete 11.. no exceptions... except with some Nine West shoes and I love them ;)

2.Where do you work?
In DC's judicial system :s

3.Favorite piece of clothing you own
Hmmm, I'm enamoured with my two purple is pretty and soft, the other is a bit more night on the town.. ow!

4.Your favorite blog?
Really? When I subscribe to fifty eleven hunnid?? iCan't. It's like picking a favorite family member or friend. You like them and love them for different reasons, all unique to them.

5.Do you have any pets?
I unofficially disown my tortuga... Don't tell the kid!

6.How many siblings do you have?
I have 3 siblings.. all sisters. How could a girl be so lucky?

7.If you could live anywhere where would it be?
In a house with a wrap around porch in a mid size town, with easy traffic and moderate temps and a great school system! :D

8.What were you doing before this?
Making sure the car wasn't getting towed, feeding the kid dinner and helping my dad with his online banking.. I multi task!

9.Your favorite food?
Icecream or Tangysweet frozen yogurt

10.Do you have a middle name?
Yes. Most of my dad's siblings don't have middle names, but I was named after one of them that actually has a middle name. It's a mash-up of my grandmother's name and her dad's name. I like carrying on the history even if it is a weird name!

11.Your favorite websites?
Specktra will always be a fave, but this again is a difficult question since my internet time is consumed with blogs and not actual sites.

12.Who do you tag?
Anyone who wants to play along. I love reading answers and getting to know people so feel free and let me know you've done the tag!

Sunshine Award!

Thanks Brea! You are a ball of Sunshine!
My other sunny spots on a cloudy day:

Thank you to the Poor College Student at Maquilagem Masstige for this Sweet Blog Award!!
I'm supposed to tag so many people, but I'll give a Sweet Blog award to the sweetest of them all in the blogosphere, Amina!

Special Link: Ohhhhh can't wait to get my hands on this! Come to the US!!!


  1. What a cutie!! He looks like he's doing an Incredible Hulk impression! Your lucky he takes actual pics, my little one hasn't mastered snapping herself and all you see is everyone's ankles and knees. lol

    Thanks for the Sunshine Award!!

  2. Ooh thanks for sharing! I love tag posts.

  3. omg!! thank you soooo much!! I really appreciate it!!!!!! hugs


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