
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Loc Journey: My Hair is Growing!

This is month........19??

I can even tell a difference from my Lola pics!
Well, I guess you can see it.. I see it a lot LOL
They are all fully locked.
Styling options, color?
I wanted to talk about locs with pics from my sister's bday party,
but the pics are stuck in SanDisk land. The comp won't upload from the other card =p
Go figure.


  1. wow!! They have grown a lot and are simply beautiful!!

  2. girl! you are so pretty! i love your hair and you look long or short hair! :)

  3. Kia, they are soooo pretty!!! My baby locs have someone to look up to.

    Styling options...I flat twist one side of my hair and pin it. It's a cute look. And I've got 3 adornments stuck in my head too.

  4. Ur locs are growing beautifully!!!

  5. yep, they are growing...i'm only on mth 7+ now, and they're almost all locked too. Styling options, have u considered soft spikes? They are foam curlers that are amazing for

  6. actually, it's

  7. Yaay locs! They are so cute! I'm giggling a bit @ you guys counting by months. Mine are 39months old now. Teeheee! That's like when parents don't want to let go of their kids' "months" stage and move on to "years". LOL! Your hair is fab!

  8. Hey Kia,

    Your hair is growing so long, by the end of the summer your locs will be so long. I will be coloring and styling mine for my b-day..


  9. @ amina: thank you!!!

    @ askmewhats: thanks!! but i'm ready to see some long hair again.. uh i think (longer hair/locs is harder to take care of)

    @ b: thanks! aww you are too cute. i think i might be ready for color and streaks!

    @ erin: thanks!

    @ avartsy:i didn't know you started locking your hair so recently. yeh i heard about soft spikes back when my hair was too short to do anything with. i guess i should look into them now huh?

    @ the pbg: girl you silly! yeh i actually do refer to things by month if they are under two years.. really.. with kids at least.. it makes difference! lol developmentally..

    @ muthasfynest (anon): can't wait to see your new do!

  10. I love your locks. You are one of my hairspirations. My locs will be 3 months at the end of this month. I look forward to getting some advice from you. Am glad you're back to blogging again.

    Much loc've!


  11. Your locs are gorgeous!!! Do you maintain them yourself?


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